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Showing posts from September, 2015

Belajar Bahasa Inggris yuk! Let's Learn English :D #languagefocus

LANGUAGE FOCUS The future of English: summary of various forms When you first started learning English you were probably told that the 'future tense' was formed by adding will to the infinitive. (I will = I'll go, She will = She'll be late, etc.) Later on you learned about  going to as a possible alternative future tense, and later still you learned that present tense can also be used with a future meaning. Let's now summarize some common possible expressions of the future in English: FORM 'will' EXAMPLE I'll see you in the office tomorrow. MEANING Straightforward (neutral), statement, often personal FORM 'going to' EXAMPLE I'm going to buy that car MEANING Statement of intention, usually in the near future